Market Update – April 10, 2020
10 April 2020
The world continues to react to the ongoing COVID-19 health pandemic, with new information coming out with respect to the various economic stimulus packages, as well as the various quarantine and self-isolation regulations. As the world settles down into this new normal, it appears that the markets have started to settle as well, with strong […]
Market Update – April 3, 2020
3 April 2020
Both internationally and here in Canada, government leaders have continued to react to the Coronavirus pandemic, both in terms of the actual health crisis, and also with respect to the economic impact. While these updates are designed to discuss the short and long-term economic impact of this ongoing health crisis, it is important to note […]
Market Update – March 27, 2020
27 March 2020
Market volatility has persisted as the world continues to react to the Coronavirus, with most analysts predicting that this will continue throughout the lockout and the ongoing health pandemic. This update will outline what different governing bodies have done in an attempt to stimulate the economy and combat this disease, and what this means for […]
COVID-19 Update – March 25, 2020
25 March 2020
In these uncertain times, David Burns & Associates and our partners in insurance want to offer the most up-to-date information possible to help navigate this new COVID-19 world. We felt that you, our valued clients, would benefit from tips to assist with the evolving realities of the pandemic. As employers, there are significant and unique […]
Market Update – March 19, 2020
19 March 2020
The markets have continued to show substantial volatility, mostly due to the increased international spread of the Covid-19 virus. This has led to a severe downturn in all market sectors, both here in Canada and internationally. While an increasingly stressful time with respect to your investments, there are some things that are important to consider. […]
News of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
16 March 2020
News of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been dominating the headlines. Although the risks remain low in Canada, we do want to keep you informed. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by a virus that can be similar to the common cold, but some cases are more severe. Most people infected are likely to fully recover, […]